Saturday, June 8, 2019

June 8th

June 8th

             I have experienced nothing but generosity this week, from visiting the hospitals, going to the museums, theater and the gifts we have received. All the people we have encountered have been kind, willing to teach us, and welcomed us with open arms. While we were here we brought donations to give to the church and the hospital. I have learned many things while being here that I can take back with me and implement in my nursing career. From health promotion and health maintenance we have learned several tools to help take care of people holistically. With the healthcare system they have here and the growing of their services this culture will be able to get the care they need and hopefully start moving in a better direction. They have several programs they are looking to expand such as their addiction recovery program; their primary care program and hopefully their inpatient services can grow as well. With the services they are offering they can educate the population so that the outlook on healthcare can move in a positive direction that they can pass on from generation to generation. The hospital has in cooperated nature into their design because this is important to there culture. I found this important because if they feel comfortable going to a place then they will be more likely to go there. Since this culture has had bad experience in the past with healthcare some people still have a negative outlook. Hopefully with the care they are implementing and the facilities they have this change the outlook and help improve health and move it in the right direction. This is important because if the population isn’t healthy then there children and future generations will continue to have these feelings and pass on the unhealthy habits. This week I was able to learn about a new culture from where they got their beliefs from, to why they have the outlooks they do and the problems they have. When you are learning something new it can be uncomfortable but it has been an amazing experience. I have learned so much from being here from learning about a new culture to a different view of healthcare. I think from this I have grown as a person, learned ways to be a better nurse and how healthcare could be. I want to be able to give my patients the best care they can have and I have learned so much from this trip.

1 comment:

  1. Dear River Owl-
    You have been such an terrific team member for our tribe! I am glad that you see the positive aspects to caring and that you are inspired to care for others even more holistically!
    Much love,
    Spirited Medicine Woman
